What We Believe
From the New Testament, we believe that, as a church, we are called by God to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, to nurture Christian community and to be Christ’s servant people.
We value worship that provides a meaningful experience of God and the Christian tradition and that expresses the gospel in contemporary language, forms and discernment.
We seek fellowship and Christian education opportunities.
We use the church as a starting place to reach out to our local community and the world through mission work.
We strive to follow Micah 6:8. “…and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
See our Missions and Christian Education Programs
to see how we walk the walk.
a congregation committed to inclusiveness, openness, diversity, and social justice
a highly mission-oriented congregation, especially within our local community
a 100+ year history
a very friendly, good humored, hospitable church family
a congregation supportive of stewardship and crisis needs
a congregation that encourages and supports its youth
a congregation that welcomes and encourages children in worship
a congregation in which music is important
a theologically diverse congregation of the PC(USA) that is open-minded with three-quarters coming from non-Presbyterian backgrounds (Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Quaker, Mennonite)
a congregation that promotes a welcoming, accepting and inclusive atmosphere regardless of religion, gender, race, sexual orientation, age, and/or financial status
a congregation that welcomes spiritual travelers at any point in their faith journey